Saturday, October 25, 2008

Feedback on "Racism: Why & How"

1) Many thanks for this enlightenment. It's very timely -- and I'm deeply grateful for sharing same with me. Take care -- and God bless! Ernie Ramos

2) Very good read. I recommend it to all. Zarrine Banerji

3) Your thoughtful article reminds me of a couple of things. In the era of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Anglo-Saxons were enjoying the Free Homestead Act, up and down along the Mississippi river. My relatives-in-law from Ohio to Iowa were telling me that they were given the property-deeds of hundred of acres once they settled there for five years. However, others, as long as they were White, could buy the same for a nickel an acre. Teddy Leung

(Note: The above is another example of earlier form of racism against Asian Ams. The current form is to ask us to meet higher admission bars in attending first tier university or becoming managers.)

4) I am often surprised at how Asiams can be racist when we have experienced racism ourselves. I understand when people have been victims of crime by other races, but I do not buy this as an excuse. If one of their "own" had been the perpetrator, would they say all people of that kind are no good? I don't think so. Christina

(A great point! S. B.)

5) Well Said!!! Kam, Chicago

6) Thank you for sending me the information. We have urged members of the One China Committee to vote for Obama. Tze-chung Lia

(Note: 80-20 doesn't take positions on US foreign policies.)

7) A fabulously well-written and persuasive piece!! Thank you. Ed

8) "Racism against Asian-Americans in this country is unlikely to be overcome, no matter how hard we try individually. Hopefully, with Obama winning the election, something can be done collectively to promote the course, at least as a belated start. And this is only a beginning. Even the Jews who have succeeded in integrating completely in this country still periodically like clockwork, remind the public of the evils of " Anti-Semitism " and . . ." S. Cheng

9) I admire your drive for fighting for our rights through 80-20. A small nitpicking, in the article below, it seemed the word "stereotypical" was inadvertently truncated as "stereo." Bernard Yang
(Thank you, Bernard. SB)

10) I am astonished that there is so much racism against the Chinese. The blacks and the Indians are treated better. Bush is right now giving India special privileges and many Indians are in top positions, but I don't see any Chinese. Frank

(Note: Having qualified Asian Ams in top positions is important. However, just having them, whether Chinese-Ams or other AsAms, in top positions is not. We've had Asian Americans in top positions who actually ignore or even betray Asian Am. interests. That is why we need input into the transition team.)

11) Truly appreciated your work. I am currently facing this situation and looking for a good attorney. If you know any effective attorney, please contact me. Sherman

(Note: An attorney's name was forwarded.)

12) How can I join your organization? I keep getting your newsletter this is a great way to let people know what their rights are!!! Please keep up the good work. Ali Khan

13) I totally agree with you. Parker

14) Bravo! Dan Feng

Combat Racism!

PS: "Racism: Why & How" was featured in "That Minority Thing," and was invited to "submit articles on a regular basis" by American Chronicle.