Q: WHO is the most important individual fighting
against "race-preference" college admissions?
He brought the on going "Fisher vs.
UofTexas" law suit. He recently filed law suites against Harvard and U. of N.
Carolina. Don't you wish that the rich Asian Ams will put up the money to
fight against Harvard instead of donating to Harvard?
Q: WHICH is the ONLY AsAm national org. fighting against such
A: 80-20! All
other national orgs. are on the other side against YOU! Yes. That
is how much you have been betrayed because
most of us don't pay attention to politics.
Q: Does Ed Blum think 80-20 is a BIG help?
A: Mr. Blum calls and emails S.B. Woo
Q: What do they talk about?
A: Mapping out strategy to win
the law suits against Harvard and Univ. of NC.
Q: Harvard is a private school, would any federal cout ruling be
A: YES! Harvard will lose hundreds
of millions of federal awards. Would that be effective, you think?
Q: Are you pleased and proud that 80-20 plays such a significant
role in the fight against
"race-preference" college admissions?
A: Should be. Please help 80-20
back. It is dying.
till it hurts.
SB Woo
President, 80-20 Educational Foundation
A Volunteer
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PS. SELF money verified! A committee of 3 BOD members
was appointed by S.B. to verify the existence of the SELF fund and that not a
penny has been spent except for banking fees. The committee has reported back, shown below, verifying the above statement.
"We have verified the cash accounts (the
"Accounts") of the 80-20 SELF (the "Organization") as of
December 20, 2014 per the request of the Board of Donors ("Board
Request"). Our responsibility is to independently confirm the
Organization's cash balance as of December 20, 2014 based on our observation
of the Accounts via online banking.
The Accounts was opened upon
establishment of the Organization and all of the contributions have been
deposited to the Accounts. No discretionary expense has expended except
processing fees and bank charges associated with the processing of
contributions. We were provided monthly bank statements as well as the 80-20
Educational Foundation, Inc.'s 2013 Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt
From Income Tax, which contained the relevant information to the Accounts.
In addition we were provided continued access to the Accounts for the
purpose of monitoring of the SELF fund on an on-going basis.
We have identified PNC bank at
which the Organization currently maintained the Accounts as of December 20,
2014 and independently verified the Organization's cash balances of the
Accounts ("Statement of the Accounts") on December 20, 2014. For
the purpose of this Report, "independently verified" means that we
were provided the online access to the Accounts, and physically reviewed the
cash balances of the Accounts.
Member of the Audit Committee
Tony Li
Larry Ho
William Pak"