Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Political Secrets I: Why is a bloc vote so powerful?

Once a month, you'll read here political secrets that made Cuban
Americans & Jewish Ams who are so small in numbers and yet so powerful
politically. This series is designed to empower YOU politically so that
TOGETHER we'll win equal opportunity and justice in America.
S. B. Woo

Subject: Why is a bloc vote so powerful?

David Broder, America's most respected political columnist, stated that
a bloc vote is "one of the unnoticed glories of American life." Why?
Because a bloc vote can make a small minority politically powerful
to protect themselves.

A bloc vote is, in the short run, much more effective than giving millions
of $$$ to politicians and/or registering tens of thousands of new voters
each year. Here is why.

One year, a Democratic presidential nominee (DPN) was running against
a Republican nominee (RPN) in a certain state which has 12 million
voters. That state had a small Jewish Am. community of 1 million votes.
It could deliver a bloc vote of 80-20 to its endorsed candidate. The
general community had 11 millions votes but didn't practice bloc votes.

The DPN decided to focus on the general community. The RPC decided
to focus on the Jewish community. When the ballots were counted, the
DPN won the general community by a margin of 52% to 48%. (Recall that
the last two presidential elections resulted in much smaller margin of
difference than that.) Hence the DPN had a 4% advantage in the
11 million votes, or a winning margin of 440,000 votes.

The RPN won the Jewish vote by a margin of 80% to 20%. Hence the
RPC had a 60% advantage in 1 million voters. That is a net advantage of
600,000 votes. As a result, the RPN won!

Wow, the power of a bloc vote!

Actually, the above is NOT about a "certain state and Jewish Ams." It is
about "California and Asian Ams." AsAms in CA are 8% of CA's 12
million votes which are just about1 million votes! The story is about our
political power when we practice a bloc vote!

All presidential candidates understand the power of a bloc vote. That
was why 9 of the 11 presidential candidates in 2004 answered 80-20's
questionnaire in 2004 with YES/YES/YES. Their promises were in writing
and signed! Go see the signatures and what they had promised AsAms:

The above is the proof of the power of "Political Secret I."

Bush and Sharpton were the two who didn't respond positively.
Bush felt he could give up on CA and spend his money & effort more cost
effectively in Florida and Ohio. Too bad for us in 2004. BUT! 2008 is a
very different year.

GOP can no longer count on the "solid" South and Mid-West. Many
political experts have predicted that a RPN must try to win in CA.
Hence, GOP will have to either work with us or lose Calif and with it the
White House.

WITH YOUR HELP, 80-20 aims to use a bloc vote to get all presidential
candidates of 2008 to pay much more attention to our concerns!

More political secrets to come! Forward this SECRET now! Ask
your friends to join us in a bloc vote in 2008.

Was this email informative? Have you questions? Post your feedback at
http://www.80-20educationalfoundation.org/posterboard.html. I need
your feedback!

S. B. Woo,
President, 80-20 EF (80-20 EF can tell you political secrets, but may NOT
endorse political candidates. Only 80-20 PAC can endorse. )

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Adopt an ABSOLUTE standard to measure your success

SUMMARY of the Last Email:
Last month, we discussed how AsAms tended to use a
RELATIVE Standard, R.S., comparing our career achievement against
those of our friends/relatives, mostly fellow Asian Americans. Such a
system generates jealousy, hinters networking, lets others decide how
you want to apply yourself, and results in a splintered AsAm

To switch to an ABSOLUTE STANDARD, A.S., we need to:

1. Set an absolute goal, but be flexible about the timeline to achieve the
goal. The higher the goal, the more you'll realize that you'll need help
to achieve it. Hence, the more you'll network; and admire the skills of
your friends/relatives rather than being jealous.

2. Tell your goal to at least one person e.g. your spouse or a parent, if you
mean it. President Clinton told his wife about becoming the President
years before he ran.

3. Help others whenever you can. The more you help others, the more
you'll receive help from others to achieve your career goal.

4. Be subtle and patient in relating your goal to others in your network.
Don't let people think that you are rash or not realistic, or boasting.

Once you practice steps 1 to 3, you may feel like a different person.
You'll be confident, full of positive outlook towards the people around
you. Needless to say, an A.S. doesn't guarantee success. It does, however,
eliminate many self-imposed harmful baggage like jealousy and letting
others decide how you'll apply yourself.

Here are 3 examples showing the many differences between persons/orgs
practicing R.S. versus R.S..:

I) For an entry level professional in a company or university:

R.S. He is contemptuous of an AsAm Senior Scientist or Chaired Professor
in his workplace, considering him/her as an "operator" with less
technical skills than he has. The senior AsAm senses it.

A.S. He cultivates this senior AsAm professional and gets him/her to be
his mentor. After one year, he shares one or more of the following career
goals with the mentor:
No. of years spent in academia before getting tenure
No. of years spent in academia to become a Department Head
Salary received vs. average regional salary received by peers

II) For the president of an AsAm civic organization or company:

R.S. He wants to prove that he is better than the last AsAm president. So
he badmouths her and changes things for changing's sake.

A.S. He declares to accomplish one or more of the following goals upon
taking the office:
Set a record for higher earning or membership for the next year
Get a top rating in a survey of "Customers/Membership Satisfaction"
Declare to achieve a big goal that most thought to be impossible.
Having declare his goal and knowing how difficult it will be, he courts the
past president and presidents of sister organizations/companies to get
them to help him achieve the declared goal.

III) For An AsAm elected official:

R.S. She wants to show that she is the most popular and influential AsAm
official in her County. So she badmouths and fights with almost all the
other AsAm elected officials in the county, while getting little done for
the AsAms in her election district.

A.S. She wants to be an US Senator in 15 years. Knowing that it'll take
help from AsAms nationwide, especially in fundraising, she goes out of her
way to help other AsAms, forge unity for the entire AsAm community,
and serves its critical needs to establish a good track record. She of course
also networks with non-AsAm politicians as much as she can.

You be the judge. Which achievement standard is better for you?

Keep your feedbacks coming through our POSTER BOARD
Visit http://www.80-20educationalfoundation.org/posterboard.html.
A new feature was added. You can react to my emails and/or others'
feedbacks. Be polite please -- Make this a garden where we together grow
HEALTHY SEEDS for our community. See also past feedbacks. Thanks.

S. B. Woo
President, 80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc.