80-20, and therefore YOU, have supported Blum since 2012. 80-20 may even have played a role in inducing Ed Blum to sue Harvard for discrimination against AsAms. EF has donated $10,000 per year to SFFA for the last 4 years, although that amount is only a pittance compared with the millions of dollars of legal fees that Blum had raised to wage the legal battle against Harvard on behalf of AsAm youth.
Don't relax. Think! Could Harvard back track, if the Supreme Court doesn't make a permanent ruling to stop discriminatory college admissions???
Forward this e-newsletter: Apply to Harvard Now!
You and your friends must act fast and apply between now and Jan. 1, 2022. Seize the opportunity. The legal pressure is at its highest on Harvard Now.
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If you are a SFFA member, we urge you to vote for Jing-Li Yu, who is running for a SFFA Board position. He is also on 80-20's Board and is a very capable, very honest and public-service-minded lawyer. Thank you.
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80-20 is Hiring. Click here to find details.
S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 23 years
80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501 C-3 organization,
Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89)