(1) "Is 80-20's advocacy of a bloc vote legal?" Absolutely!
80-20 not only advocates but also executes a bloc vote. Indeed, it informs,
with pride, the elected officials that it can deliver a bloc vote.
(2) "Is a bloc vote too extreme?" Not at all!
Almost all Americans cast a bloc vote. We, being mostly new immigrants, may simply not be aware of it, owing to our lack of political maturity. See the following data which are shown in CNN's Exit Poll website in 2008, under "Vote by Party ID":
Obama McCain Others
Democrats (39%) 89% 10% 1%
Republicans (32%) 9% 90% 1%
The above shows that people who are serious about partisan issues cast their bloc vote. Other types of bloc votes are a) blacks favored Obama by 95/4, and b) "conservatives" favored McCain by 78/20.
(3) "Are Asian Ams calling too much attention to ourselves, in boasting about
our success in organizing a bloc vote?" No!
In America, the more attention you get about your ability to legally influence the outcome of elections, especially important elections, the better it is.
(4) "Does a bloc vote work against democracy?" No. A bloc vote protects
David Broder, Dean of America's political columnists, describes a bloc vote as "one of the unnoticed glories of American life." Why? Because a bloc vote gives a small minority the power to get politicians' attention to their rightful concerns. Otherwise, when push comes to shove, Asian Ams' interests will normally be sacrificed first, as was the case prior to 80-20's existence.
(5) What gives 80-20, led by Woo, its political clout? Its ability to reward &
punish politicians through the AsAm bloc vote. Do remember,
however, whatever political clout 80-20 has, it comes from YOUR bloc
vote! All data provided by the NYT.
See (1) how each endorsement delivered an advantage to the presidential candidate. (2) With the passing of years, our bloc vote got bigger and bigger, and (3) an endorsement with reservation, owing to failing to reach complete agreement with the candidate, shrank the size of the bloc vote. (1), (2) and (3) are examples of how 80-20, under Woo, rewarded and punished presidential political candidates.
You see that 80-20 has to punish not only all the Republican candidates who refused to answer 80-20's questionnaires (i.e they refused to give us promises in writing) but also some Democratic presidential candidates who do make promises to us in writing but did NOT go far enough.
Our recent poll indicated that if a SuperPAC were to be formed under Woo's leadership, it should be able to deliver a SWING bloc vote for the first time. With such an ability, equal opportunity for us and our children beckons!
(6) The above table indicates that 80-20 has endorsed a Democrat in all 4 past presidential elections. Could 80-20 actually be pretending to be neutral but isin reality a Democratic front?
NO! You have the right to harbor such a suspicion, but don't jump to your conclusion yet. In the next e-newsletter, we'll explain things to you, likely to your complete satisfaction. Politics, like everything else, needs to be learned.
Does the above begin to show you the complexity of politics? What could seem black is actually white & vice versa. If you agree, but you still have doubts about 80-20's integrity, then wait until you've read the next e-newsletter. Try to help 80-20 back. 80-20 serves you in a unique & extremely significant way.
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