If we don't tell them that we EXPECT them to help more, how are they to know? They could easily think that our community simply wants them to achieve higher and higher personal success.
Step (3): Do YOUR share of spreading this message
We can't expect others to help us more, without helping ourselves more.
So if you like this message, then take time to forward it to others.
Dark clouds are hovering above AsAms, especially the Chinese-Am community.
From what we have seen in the last 2 weeks in the news, our community may face extremely high and unfair suspicion for years to come. If the shadowy suspicion slowly materializes into concrete infringe-ment of our rights, we'll really need the following groups/individuals of "made it folks" to help, including persons like
(1) Secretary Elaine Chao, whose husband is Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell;
(2) former Cabinet Secretaries: Steve Chu, Gary Locke, Norman Mineta,
& Eric Shinseki;
(3) former Governors: Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, and Gary Locke;
(4) elected AsAm federal and state officials. When they are raising
money from us, they emphasize their AsAm identity. After they are
elected, some treat AsAms like foreigners. :-( Complain against such
officials for neglecting our rightful interests. Then and only then will t
hey reform. Don't be afraid to speak up. I know what makes politicians
sit up & take notice. I was one. :-)
(5) tens of federal judges & super lawyers - 80-20 induced Pres. Obama
to quadruple the no. of AsAm federal judges in his 8-yr term. These
judges could choose to donate to &/or volunteer for AsAm nonprofits
& get involved with our community in non-political and non-judicial
matters. They can be role models.
Our tens of super lawyers are yet to be involved in defending
AsAm rights except for Brian Sun and Mike Park. One'd think
our super lawyers would be less timid. Unfortunately, most are
just as risk averse.
(6) retired former high-ranking federal & state officials: John Chiang, CA;
S. B. Woo, DE, & David Wu, OR. They raised millions of $$$
from our community, when they were running. Now that they
are retired, it is the ideal time for them to pay back.
(7) Nobel Laureates & academic superstars: They've already served our
community and nation well. They can be ideal role models for us by volunteering prominently and donating generously
to our non-profits and helping the best ones grow.
(8) The thousands of our super rich: To me people with as asset of $50
million or more is a super rich. How many such AsAms are
there? At least 45,000. They've made it financially, but not
necessarily socially. So our super-rich could as a group gain
greatly from helping our best non-profits to fight for AsAm
rights and their children's equal access to Ivy colleges. But
most of our super-rich are also risk-averse. If they had each
donated 1% to 3% of their assets to our most effective non-
profits 10 yrs ago, AsAms would have gained our equal
citizenship already. Our super-rich would also have gained
their social respect.
Let me end by saluting existing role models. They exist in almost every group -Ivan Fong, Larry Ho, Chenming Hu, Alice Huang, Ted Lieu, Dominic Ng, Norman Mineta, Brian Sun, Chang-Lin Tien, K. L Wang, and Charles Zhang to name a few.
Of course, 80-20 will always be there for you.
Forward this e-newsletter to all your AsAm friends. Post your views
by clicking
here. Love to hear from you. Tis the Season - DONATE.