Heart of Stone? Heart of Gold?
If YOU become a VICTIM of government prosecution purely due to your national origin, would you HOPE your community will come to your aid?
YOU bet!
So here is the situation. Sherry Chen was a VICTIM of DOJ's cyberspace dragnet. Her case was suddenly dropped just before trial. Her life is in shambles. She has a big debt on her legal fees and she may still lose her job. What would you do?
If our hearts are made of stone, we'll say "Tough luck to her." But 80-20 Educational Foundation (EF), National Association of Chinese Americans (NACA) and New Asian Leaders (NAL) think that most individuals in our community have hearts of gold. We should help her to help ourselves.
When we become each other's emergency insurance
policy, our community becomes more cohesive. Soon,
everyone including our children, will be soooooooooo
proud of being members of our community.
The three organizations, with 80-20 EF playing the lead role this time, are co-hosting a dinner for two purposes.
(1) To raise a net amount of $18,000 for Sherry Chen's legal fee debt, and
(2) To honor Peter Zeidenberg, who successfully defended both Sherry Chen and Dr. Xiaoxing Xi.
Date and Time: 6 pm, Feb. 16 (Tuesday)
Location: China Garden, 1100 Wilson Boulevard,
Rosslyn, VA 22209 (703 525-5317)
Ticket prices: $100 ($75 tax deductible); $500 for a head table seat ($475 tax deductible)
Program: Keynote by Peter Zeidenberg whose Washington Post Op Ed is so compassionate
Several prominent political leaders invited.
What can you do to help?
Those in the Greater D.C. area: Buy a ticket for $100 or $500, perhaps a table for $1,000.
Those elsewhere: Donate money and give the ticket to a friend in greater D.C. area.
Wherever you live click here to reserve your tickets. Or, please email Stephen Lin, spl.law@hotmail.com, to tell him how you'll help. Steve Lin, a lawyer, is my Special Assistant. He'll be delighted to fulfill your generous wish. Or make your check payable 80-20 EF, and mail to Katy Woo, 5 Farm House Rd., Newark, DE 119711. Thank you.
S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 17 years
80-20 Initiative, Inc.
PS: Have you supported this national petition, already signed by 6 Noble Laureates? If not, chick here.
It asks DOJ to conduct an independent investigation.
View a GREAT 3-part video about AsAms: