Good News First: SELF up another $12,000/yr for 5 years
Two MAGNIFICENT supporters have enriched SELF by another $12k/yr. Both are from NY City. One is Alex New, a $20k/yr donor, who promised to kick in another $10k/yr, if it's needed, to reach $900k/yr. Another is Henry Lee, 80-20 Board member and $5k/yr donor, who promised that he'd give another $2k/yr to help reach SELF's goal. SELF is at $865k/yr today. With the PROMISED $12k/yr, it is actually at $877k/yr.
Only 15 days left, and only $23k/yr to go. If YOU come up with the next $10k/yr by this Friday, I'll increase my donation from $8k/yr to $9k/yr. After that SELF will actually be only $12k/yr short, with another 7 days to go. Come on! SELF is the GREATEST POLITICAL LEGACY that we AsAms have given to our children so far.
Bad News - Our Petition to Pres. Obama Will Likely Fail
With only a few days left, our petition has only 17,200 signers. It'll likely fail. That is most unfortunate. We are losing a wonderful chance to protect ourselves politically.
Let's remedy the bad situation
80-20 shall resubmit a similar petition, after much better preparation! The value of having a good permanent political organization is that it can learn from its mistakes and steadily advance your interests.
Our mistakes include insufficient outreach to 1) other AsAm organizations; 2) popular websites; 3) ethnic papers; and 4) social media.
In 2008, 80-20 failed at first to induce Senators Obama and Clinton to answer its questionnaire with 6 yeses. 80-20 also failed to get Bob Beckel fired by Fox. But we persisted and succeeded. :-)
After SELF reaches $900k/yr, we'll hunker down to do all the hard work and resubmit the PETITION, and win
a promise from Pres. Obama that his advocacy to aggressively investigate and prosecute espionage will NOT permit profiling by race and/or national origin. It is another necessary legacy we need to bequeath to our children.
Please DONATE generously to SELF.
S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 17 years
80-20 Initiative, Inc.
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