On July 4th, display a flag.
This is the right occasion to re-publish the following.
We Are Partially at Fault in Being Treated as Perpetual Foreigners:
o When immigrants among us voluntarily changed our citizenship, they swore primary allegiance to the U.S. However, a large % STILL consider themselves citizens of the "old country." We can't have the cake and eat it too! If we want equal opportunity in the U.S. then our primary allegiance must be to America.
While the first generation Irish, Polish, and Jewish showed the same tendencies, the one billion plus population, each in China and in India pose a different geopolitical consideration for a declining U.S. Are we wise enough to understand the real world?
o The rotten apples among AsAms even sold America's lifeblood -- classified and proprietary information -- to enrich themselves AND at the expense of the rest of us who will face consequent suspicions. Have we ever initiated community educational programs to condemn such behavior to protect America's vital interests and to prevent ourselves from being considered "perpetual foreigners"?
We must be fair with America, if we want America to be fair with us.
Will We Ever Win Equal Opportunity?
Of course, it's only a matter of time. 80-20 wants to help make it happen much sooner. Seize the moment! We need:
(1) to look at ourselves honestly, which is why this piece is re-published in connection with the occasion of the July 4th celebration, and
(2) to use our strengths -- education and above average income -- to build up much needed community infrastructures - PACs, think-tanks, civil rights orgs, and a pan-AsAm-coalition - to defend & strengthen ourselves with a sense of urgency and approaching danger .
80-20 thanks all the KNIGHTS coming to SELF's rescue.
S. B. Woo, a volunteer for the past 16 years
President, 80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc.
80-20's Top 10 Accomplishment , published 3 years ago.