The Dawn of a New Era in AsAm Politics
There is an increase in Asian Americans' political savvy and
desire to serve our community. How come? The recent exposure
of the foolishness of our old practices in politics!
Bad Money Exposed By Recent News
(1) Selfish Asian Ams. who have raised money for politicians for their
personal vanity, or commercial interests or political careers have been
repeatedly exposed as suckers who sucked our community's money and
in turn got sucked by politicians. Indeed, many of them, Norman
Hsu and John Huang to name two, got in deep trouble with the law.
(2) Even well-intentioned but politically naive Asian Ams fundraisers have
also been exposed as suckers. A politician's apparent pro-immigrant
stands can change over night. When the fundraisers' over-zealousness in
raising money got exposed, politicians publicly embarrasses them.
(3) Executive Order 11246 that has been enforced for all Americans is not
enforced for Asian Ams. by an Asian Am. Labor Secretary. Visit Click on A. 3.
In other words, our hard earned money when donated in a bad way
to politicians got us nothing but trouble. That is, bad publicity and
discrimination! We must STOP donating in such foolish fashions. When
BAD MONEY dries up, good money will come in.
What is Good money?
When a fundraiser (bundler) asks you to donate to a politician, ask
yourself and/or the fundraiser 4 questions.
a) What deeds has this veteran politicians done to help our community?
Did he/she help win equal opportunity and/or adopt enlightened
immigration policy? If none, save your money. Only deeds deserve
our donations.
b) Does this fundraiser know American politics? If no, save your money.
c) Will this bundler likely use his/her political connections to help our
community? If no, save your money
d) If a novice politician is raising money, will he/she likely share our
community's concerns? Sharing our concerns, not ethnicity, is what
"GOOD MONEY"is money donated after passing those 4 checks.
Such money will bring our community immense political clout.
A Changing Wind
Asian Am. elected officials used to endorse presidential candidates
without asking what would the presidential candidates do for our community
if elected. All that has changed this year!
The following co-chairs of "Asian Pacific Islander Americans for Hillary"
have asked Sen. Clinton to reply with "6 yeses" to 80-20's questionnaire to
her campaign i.e for her to give an iron clad commitment to our dire
needs. These elected officials are our heroes/heroines. Their names are:
Judy Chu, member of Calif.'s State Board of Equalization,
Mike Eng, Calif. State Assemblymen,
John Liu, City Councilman of NYC,
Gary Locke, Former Gov. of Washington,
Fiona Ma, Majority Chip of CA State Assembly,
Henry Manayan, Former Mayor of Miltpitas,
Doris Mastui, Congresswoman and National Chair of AAPIs for Hillary,
Otto Lee, Mayor of Sunnyville, CA, and
Ellen Young, City Councilwoman of NYC.
Will Senator Clinton, who wanted these co-chairs to endorse her, share
these co-chair's concerns? We don't know yet. 80-20 EF shall keep you
posted. We are certain that these officials will know what to do, if Hillary
doesNOT listen to them.
Comments are welcome at
Thank you.
S. B. Woo
80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc. (EF)
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT: 80-20 EF continues to receive generous donations:
Dr. Stephen Ko $1,000, Lawrence and Mary Tom $750
Larry & Sophia Ho $500, Tom & Laura Hsu $500
Eric Chengfen Liu $500, Betty & Brian Ng $250 and
Xinhai and Scott Chai with matching gifts from Adobe and Boeing
of $100.00 each.