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Rise and Act!
Mail 2 letters to Win in the 'Court of Public Opinion' for Our Children
Background Information:
There are about 5000 media outlets in the U.S. Three big ones have already sided with our point of view, since our "UGLY facts on ..." came out on Aug. 1st, as we fight for a level-playing field for our children. They are:
(1) The Wall Street Journal editorial ("What is Harvard Hiding" - Aug. 6),
(2) The Fox News opinion. ("Time for affirmative action to be based on income, not race" - Aug. 7), and
(3) The Washington Post opinion ("Harvard's discrimination against Asian Americans must end" - Aug 8)
However, we need a thousand more such editorials and opinions from the big cites along the coasts to the small towns in middle America!
Who will perform this immense task?
You and 80-20 will do it TOGETHER! 80-20 NEVER asks AsAms to do anything, without doing much more itself. Hence, the Board of 80-20 Educational Foundation, EF, has appropriated a war chest of $250,000 for this campaign. It could be used to buy full-page ads in the NY Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times and the Chicago Tribune to appeal to the conscience of our nation about the plight of our children. The full-page ads will show
(a) The UGLY facts of discrimination against AsAm youth, and
(b) the names and locations of about 1,000 US media outlets that we expect will have already sided with us, asking Harvard and its likes to change their discriminatory admissions policy.
You can keep a copy of this ad to point to with pride at the names of the local media that you've worked on and convinced, as you tell your grandchildren the story of your share in this struggle. Your contribution will go down in history.
What will YOU Need to Do?
NOT THAT MUCH! You do need the determination & guts to stand up for our children. Step (1) may be a little challenging.
(1) Click here and print 2 copies each of "UGLY facts on discrimination against AsAm youth" of 4 pages. Use the best print quality.
(2) Use the internet to find out the the postal address of 1 state-wide and 1 local or ethnic newspaper in your locality. Remember that there will be others in your state making similar efforts.
(3) Send a copy of our "UGLY facts ..." to those 2 addresses, together with a cover letter whose template is shown in the footnote below. Sign it with 2 to 10 names, complete with signers' respective postal addresses and phone numbers. Post it.
(4) Send an email, letting me know that you've "DONE YOUR NOBLE SHARE and the names of the two media." 80-20 will recognize you publicly.
Within one year, we will have won in the Court of Public Opinion, for our children, especially after the full-page ads will have come out, at a cost of $250,000. Harvard will feel our pressure.
Is 80-20 Certain to Spend the $250,000?
YES! If 80-20 receives 3,000 emails, within 1 month, with a message: "I've done my NOBLE share," we will launch our media campaign. Whether we get 1,000 positive media responses or not, the message of the discrimination against our children will have been made well-known to the nation.
NO! If 80-20 doesn't receive even 1,500 emails with the right message. 80-20 won't fight, if YOU, our bosses, are not willing to fight. In such a case, 80-20 will deeply regret not having served our community well. YOU will forever have it on your conscience that you let this great opportunity pass to help pave a level playing field for your offspring.
Please forward this email to like-minded friends who would also be willing to mail 2 letters.
S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 18 years
80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501 C-3 organization,
"Dear Editors: We, the undersigned, would like to have the enclosed facts, circulated by the 80-20 Educational Foundation since August 1, published in your distinguished paper. (An electronic copy of the same info. is available at Since then, similar opinions have been published in the New York Times ("Affirmative Action Battle Has a New Focus: Asian-Americans" - Aug. 3, 2017), the Wall Street Journal editorial ("What is Harvard Hiding" - Aug. 6, 2017), the Fox News Opinion ("Time for affirmative action to be based on income, not race" - Aug. 7, 2017 ) and the New Yorker ("The Uncomfortable Truth About Affirmative Action and Asian-Americans" - Aug. 10, 2017). Yet, not many people know about it in our great state. We would deeply appreciate it if you would make these ugly facts known to a broader audience. Sincerely, names, locations and phone nos.)"

To know more about 80-20, view these videos :
It disregards the basic underlying fact that the Ivys are like the Olympics of the academic world. Is NYT going to do a racial analysis of athletes selected for the Olympics? Does it make sense to do that. Will Olympics still be Olympics if they took diversity/equal representation as objective? The analysis of admissions at Top Universities makes just as much (or as little) sense. Selection should be based on objective performance whether it is Olympics or the Top universities. Only then will they continue to foster the highest human achievement in a field where aptitude coupled with long term sustained high quality training, practice, and ambition to excel are required. Some ethnic groups take interest in professions (STEM, law, medicine); their children do well in preparing for those fields. Whats wrong with that? Why shouldn't they get admission based on merit and aptitude rather than be restricted by their race? What is race? Asian American is NOT A RACE. These people who came from 18 countries of South Asia, East Asia, South-east Asia and pacific islands, have such diversity of skin color, languages, foods/cuisine, faith/religions, social customs and socio-economic background that there is more diversity presented by Asian Americans than all other races combined.